Класс fileFrame
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class fileFrame extends JInternalFrame implements ActionListener {
String txt,tefi,font; int i,k,n,ok,ifs,ifk;
short bt; char[] c; byte[] ba; String[] lab; String[] tt;
JMenu m; JMenuItem subm; String[] name; int[] mne; int[] acc; String[] act;
Container pcont; JTextArea txtAr; File fs; Frame parent = MyPro.parent();
public fileFrame(String fn, int oks, int j, int[] ia){
fs = new File(fn);
if( fs.exists() ){
setTitle(fn); setResizable(true); setSize(ia[2],ia[3]); setLocation(ia[0],ia[1]);
setJMenuBar(createMenuBar()); ok=oks; tefi="";
ifs=MyPro.fs; ifk=MyPro.fk;
if( ifk < 1 || ifk > 5 ){ifk=1;} if( ifs < 8 || ifs > 20 ){ifs=14;}
case 1: font="Monospaced"; break;
case 2: font="Serif"; break;
case 3: font="SansSerif"; break;
case 4: font="Dialog"; break;
case 5: font="DialogInput"; break;
pcont = getContentPane(); txtAr = new JTextArea();
txtAr.setFont(new java.awt.Font(font, java.awt.Font.PLAIN, ifs));
n=(int)fs.length(); ba = new byte[n]; c = new char[n]; i=0;
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fs)));
din.readFully(ba,0,n); din.close();
}catch(IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
for( k=0; k < n; k++ ){bt=ba[k]; if(bt != 13){if(bt < 0){bt += 1104;} c[i]=(char)bt; i++;}}
txt = new String(c,0,i); txtAr.setText(txt);
txtAr.setCaretPosition(j); txtAr.setEditable(true);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(txtAr);
pcont.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File is absent !\n"+fn,"Warning",-1);
protected JMenuBar createMenuBar(){
JMenuBar menub = new JMenuBar();
m = new JMenu("Edit"); m.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_D);
name = new String[]{"Find", "Font", "Exit"};
mne = new int[]{KeyEvent.VK_F, KeyEvent.VK_O, KeyEvent.VK_X};
acc = new int[]{KeyEvent.VK_F, KeyEvent.VK_O, KeyEvent.VK_X};
act = new String[]{"find", "font", "exit"};
createSubMenu(); menub.add(m);
return menub;
protected void createSubMenu(){
for( i=0; i < act.length; i++ ){
subm = new JMenuItem(name[i]); subm.setMnemonic(mne[i]);
subm.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(acc[i], ActionEvent.ALT_MASK));
subm.setActionCommand(act[i]); subm.addActionListener(this);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
else if("font".equals(e.getActionCommand())){fontop();}
else if("exit".equals(e.getActionCommand())){saveFile();}
private void findop(){
int nc; String s,ss;
lab = new String[1]; tt = new String[1];
lab[0]="Find what:"; tt[0]=tefi;
inpForm f = new inpForm(parent,"Find",lab,tt,1,50,0); f.show(); f.dispose();
tt = MyPro.tt; tefi=tt[0]; if( tefi == null || !MyPro.ok ){return;}
nc = txtAr.getCaretPosition();
s = txtAr.getText(); ss=s.substring(nc);
i=ss.indexOf(tefi); if( i > -1 ){ nc += i; }
private void fontop(){
lab = new String[1]; tt = new String[1]; int[] ia = new int[2];
lab[0]="Select kind (1-5) and size (8-20) of font:"; tt[0]=" "+ifk+" "+ifs;
inpForm f = new inpForm(parent,"Font",lab,tt,1,50,0); f.show(); f.dispose();
if( !MyPro.ok ){return;} tt=MyPro.tt; ia = MyPro.ttiarr(tt[0],2);
ifk=ia[0]; ifs=ia[1]; MyPro.fk=ifk; MyPro.fs=ifs;
if( ifk < 1 || ifk > 5 ){ifk=1;} if( ifs < 8 || ifs > 20 ){ifs=14;}
case 1: font="Monospaced"; break;
case 2: font="Serif"; break;
case 3: font="SansSerif"; break;
case 4: font="Dialog"; break;
case 5: font="DialogInput"; break;
txtAr.setFont(new java.awt.Font(font, java.awt.Font.PLAIN, ifs));
public void saveFile(){
if( ok == 1 ){
txt = txtAr.getText(); c = txt.toCharArray(); n=c.length; ba = new byte[n];
BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fs));
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(bout);
for( i=0; i < n; i++ ){ bt=(short)c[i];
if( bt < 1104 && bt > 1039){bt -= 1104;} ba[i]=(byte)bt;
} dout.write(ba,0,n); bout.flush(); dout.close();
}catch(IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}
} try{ this.setClosed(true); }catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e){}